Filming February

Last September I made a film comprised of one video shot for each day of the month. It only half-worked. I missed half the days and the other half I ended up shooting more footage than I needed. This month I’m participating in a similar project, through a film event organized by a friend on his company’s facebook page.

I’m taking a slightly different approach this time through. Instead of filming one shot every day, I’m shooting as many as I can. My subject matter is utterly random, but it’s starting to develop some interesting patterns. Buildings I walk by regularly are becoming prominent, as well as tree branches against skies. Today I filmed the main street of my town and two separate graveyards. Some days I almost shoot an entire short film. When I forget to film and I’m getting ready for bed, I just point my camera at random objects in my room. So far my friends and family have been mostly absent, but I’m planning on getting some motion portraits of them before the month is out. I’ve also been trying to film myself, walking into a favorite thrift shop, down a sidewalk, through a field.  I’m excited but a bit nervous to see the final result. Too much footage of too many disparate things might not make for good video, but it’s definitely going to be fun to edit.