Preaching To Myself: 10 Things People Who Didn’t Vote For Obama Can Do in the Next Four Years

I was really down in the dumps the day after the election. Then I decided to sit down and come up with a list of things I could do rather than just mope about. This list is as much for me as it is for anyone else who wasn’t thrilled with the outcome of the election. I’m no great political thinker, but in light of recent events I’m starting to realize how important it is for even the least politically minded to step up and take action. Here are ten things people who didn’t vote for Obama can do in the next four years:

1. Work hard. No matter what happens to the economy or jobs, good hard work will always be rewarded.

2. Be optimistic. We live in a beautiful, industrious, blessed nation. No one president or party can make the blessings that God has given us here disappear outright.

3. Give a care. An apathetic man is as useless as a dead one. Don’t just throw up your hands and say it doesn’t matter. Everything matters, and the state of our leadership is a thing that matters indeed.

4. Be respectful. Even if you utterly despise his policies and socialist bent, Obama’s our leader, and he’s sacrificing every moment of his life in service to each of us.

5. Educate yourself. Get to know the Bill of Rights and the US Constitution. A nation ignorant of these things has no problem casting them aside, and power-hungry politicians love nothing better than uneducated masses.

6. Vote. It’s not just the president who runs the country. Every political office, no matter how small, contributes to the way this country is governed, and you have the freedom to vote for those who can help keep any new laws or policies that you disagree with at bay.

7. Take action. The next election is only four years away. Find the man you want in the oval office and volunteer your time and energy to help him get there.

8. Be vigilant. Don’t just believe what you’re told on the news or a talk show or some website. Search out the truth and cross check it with multiple sources. If politicians oversteps their bounds there are laws in place that can stop them, but that won’t happen if we’re all to busy being entertained to notice.

9. Call and correspond. Believe it or not, your representatives are called that for a reason. Calling or e-mailing them can actually get results.

10. Pray. God can change anyone’s heart whenever He wills. He could change Obama into a drastically different leader and person. If you aren’t a Christian, go find one and have them pray with you. Believe me, God is present and active and His will is being done at every moment.

There you go. Now stop staring at this screen and get out there and get some stuff done!