Life’s been pretty hectic lately. My college professors seem to like cramming a lot of assignments into the last few weeks of a semester. I’ve been getting up extra early in the mornings to try to knock everything out. I find that the hardest assignments aren’t as hard as they seem once I plunge headlong into them, especially when it’s early in the morning and I’m motivated by the fear of failure.
I’ve been writing a lot of poetry lately. Fragments pop up in my class notes like this one:
They tasted the morning:
Cold shuddering air,
Delicious womb-warm sleep.
They scalded it with coffee,
Scolded it with self-important words,
But they crawled back to it at midnight.
Pretty much how I feel when people I know try to undervalue sleep. You just can’t disregard sleep. It will come for you eventually and show you who’s master.
Trying to figure out my summer. Intern in my school’s film production or home to work? Both options have their pluses and minuses. I need to get things squared away soon though.
Working on few video projects, none of which are anywhere near completion. I also have a new idea for a film. It’s crazy but it might work. We’ll see . . .